Do You Have What It Takes to be a True Thought Leader?

At Talent & Truth, we pride ourselves on working with ‘true thought leaders.’ This post explains what we mean by this term, and why it’s important to consider when you decide to build your profile online.

A simple Google search will throw up plenty of how-to guides that promise to reveal the secrets of becoming a thought leader. But we believe that you don’t just become a thought leader by posting content. Content is simply a form of expression – true thought leadership starts with the person and leader you are offline.

If you aspire to be recognised as a thought leader, start with an honest introspection. Why do you want to be considered one? What are your expectations from this journey? If you have an image of yourself as a thought leader – does it align with who you really are? How do your peers see you? These will help you gain some insight on where you want to be, and how you can get there.

Let’s break down the term ‘thought leader’ to understand what it truly entails:


This is where it all starts. What is the scope and breadth of your knowledge in the field you work in? If people come to you for advice and trust it, that’s a good indicator that your opinions are valued, and that people appreciate having access to it. A track record that’s largely successful is also helpful when you want to establish yourself as someone who is experienced and has ‘made it’ in your industry.

Another important factor to consider here is how invested you are in growing your expertise. Do you commit time to learning and keeping up with change? Thought leaders never stop learning. Whether that’s staying abreast of industry developments, working on themselves to become better leaders, engaging in conversation with key stakeholders, or even attending quality events; they always have a finger on the pulse of their industry.


There’s no shortage of content about leaders and leadership, but in the context of thought leadership, what does this term really mean?

Firstly, leaders ‘lead’. They are at the forefront. As a thought leader, you are leading the charge and are a person whom others look up to for vision, direction, and knowledge.

Secondly, not only is a leader erudite, but also generous with their knowledge. You are not afraid to share your knowledge to guide the people around you, yet you don’t have to be completely selfless in the way you do so. You can publish content that aims to help others while working towards a personal aim like growth or business development. It’s critical that the information and opinions you post are articulated well and are reliable.

Third, you lead with vision and strategy. Those who follow and engage with you should understand what it is they can trust you to deliver. You lead with purpose, and are intentional about the way you engage with your followers. Your content aims to help you, your community and your industry grow in equal measure towards defined and measurable goals.

Separating the Thought Leaders From the Presenters

Our rule of thumb for identifying true thought leaders, is that if they meet the above criteria both online and offline; they have the potential to earn the title.

For example, if your knowledge and opinions are truly yours – and not those of your agency or writer – your ‘thought leadership’ will stand out both in person and online. If you depend on someone else to come up with and publish your thoughts, it’s likely that your online presence will far exceed the offline image that you present.

Being Authentic is the Only Way to be Consistent

At least some of the people who consume your content online will interact with you offline. Imagine being excited to meet someone you look up to online, only to find out that they’re not like that at all in real life! The only way to sustainably build your presence as a thought leader is to be authentic, because then the people who follow you will respect you for who you really are. You become a true thought leader when the title is earned rather than claimed.

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