Case Study 01

Boosting the client’s LinkedIn profile to position her as a corporate wellness authority


LinkedIn follower increase over 18 months


content featured in LinkedIn News' daily & weekly features


Engagement growth with 2 x audience reach

The Goal

The Head of Corporate Wellness at a UAE-based insurance brokers approached us to help her stand out and establish herself as a credible wellness expert. At the time, she lacked industry recognition and mostly reposted content from her company’s page, with little-to-no engagement.

The Strategy

Step 1.

Build credibility:

To build her wellness credibility and strengthen the connection with her audience, we focused on storytelling by leaning into her past experiences as an NHS nurse.

Step 2.

Establish relevance:

To demonstrate her expertise, we shared opinion-based content by engaging with current media stories that highlighted the impact on UAE workers.

Step 3.

Thought leadership:

To cement her authority as an industry leader, we shared insightful tips, perspective pieces with data-backed evidence, trend predictions, and wellness strategy advice. By regularly incorporating news and data from reputable sources, she demonstrated a well-informed and consistent understanding of industry dynamics.

The Results

Phenomenal profile growth

A surge from 1,486 followers to an impressive 7,460 followers in just 18 months.

Viral content

Her authentic content inspired and engaged her audience, earning spots in LinkedIn News' daily and weekly wrap-up features.

Speaking opportunities

The client was invited to speak at numerous industry events.

Community buzz

Her DMs and comments section were filled with inquiries and consultation requests, demonstrating rising interest in her corporate wellness expertise.

Contact Us!

Focus your time on building your business or growing your career. We’ll work on building your personal brand in the background.