Will my name be shared on your website?

We take great pride in keeping our clients’ details confidential. Your name or business name is only shared with your expressed permission.

Do you only work on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is our specialty, and due to our strategic partnership with LinkedIn, we see huge success for our clients here, many of whom have been credited with LinkedIn ‘Top Voice’ badges. However, we also manage other platforms for some of our clients.

Is all the work done in-house by the T&T team?

Yes. Each client has a dedicated, full-time personal branding team that they have unlimited access to. We are proud to say that our in-house team comprises incredible and experienced individuals, each with different skills to cater to every client’s needs.

How quickly will I start seeing results after working with T&T?

Because every client has very specific goals, T&T will align on your goals and evaluate the best measure for success for each client. Generally, our clients see increased content performance and online visibility in the first three months. This phase is all about gaining momentum and staying consistent to build the foundation for long-term success.

How much are your services?

We create custom packages depending on the needs of each client. We will then share a scope of work based on our initial calls and the strategy necessary to meet your goals. Our minimum retainer is 1500 USD monthly.

How does T&T get to understand my business and industry?

During the onboarding process, we conduct several content interviews with you, during which we ask a series of questions about your industry, your role, industry opinions, etc. We always do extensive research to ensure a high-level understanding of your industry, and we take pride in staying up-to-date with daily news relative to your region and industry.

How often does T&T communicate with their clients?

After the initial onboarding process and strategy signoff, we usually touch base with our clients every few weeks to discuss new developments, views, and industry trends. We create content based on our own research, as well as the initial content calls, and then following that, our quarterly calls ensure we can leverage your insights and thoughts into future content. We also have a WhatsApp group with our clients, who often send voice notes with updates or developments. We may also ask for your opinion on a trending news topic that we feel you should comment on.

How much involvement is required from me?

We prefer to work directly with you and have you be as involved as much as you would like. For us, it’s all about building a strategic relationship that leads to strong, personalised content. The first month of working together is the most demanding (expect 3 to 4 hours of time commitment during that month). Don’t worry, you won’t have to spoon-feed us, but if there’s anything specific you’d like to share or talk about, always feel free to do so.

Contact Us!

Focus your time on building your business or growing your career. We’ll work on building your personal brand in the background.